Wednesday 3 November 2010

The Contented Lib Dem

I have decided to set up this blog after reading so much complete rubbish about the Lib Dems and their alleged ‘betrayal’ of their values.  I am a Lib Dem, I was a Lib Dem before the election, I was a Lib Dem before Cleggmania, I am still a Lib Dem, I did count myself a progressive, I still count myself a progressive, I broadly agree with most of the coalition’s policies.  I am happy with the coalition. I don’t think I am that unusual, but to read the mainstream media – well, The Guardian, at least – you would imagine that every Lib Dem in the country has torn up their membership card, joint the Labour party and now spends their time weeping in a darkened room at the effects of the cuts and the miserable betrayal of all that they have campaigned for. It simply isn’t true. There are many Lib Dems like me out there who are quietly contented with what the coalition are doing. 

And just to make things clear, I am not some kind of right-winger masquerading as a Lib Dem. I did feel a bit uneasy when the coalition first happened, but I also realised that it was the the most logical and reasonable thing to do, for the Lib Dems and the nation.

 I consider myself a progressive. I used to believe in Socialism. I joined the Lib Dems because I realised there were fundamental things I disagreed with about Socialism and Labour.  As a teacher, I have seen the best and worst of the welfare state.  I believe that the Lib Dems have the best ideas to increase the good and decrease the bad, and that the coalition government is looks like it’s broadly on the right track as well.

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